Monday, April 25, 2016

So I got to NC safe and sound last Monday! I didn't get to email so you get double the info! Lucky you!

I finally got out of the MTC! Don't get me wrong, it was great but I needed to leave! I was starting to forget that my mission was in NC not Provo. I really miss my district though. Man it was a great group! I also had to say goodbye to my slave, I mean sister on Saturday. I only cried for like two seconds so that's impressive.

I also survived waking up at 1:30am to get ready to leave! The flights weren't bad mainly cause I slept through them. Oh by the way someone should have reminded me to take my Cetephil loation out of my carry on (: My bags got taken and EVERYTHING even my 4 dollar walmart shoes had to be checked. It took like 15 minutes and it was dumb. I got to call home at the airport and talk to my mom and dad! That made my heart happy! <3 We got to the mission home (which is so beautiful btw) and had interviews, my first southern dinner, and then SLEEP! We went to bed at 8 and oh my word I could've slept 10 more hours. It was glorious.

The next day we got to the mission office and had some meetings! At the end of them we got our assignments. I AM IN CONCORD! It is probably 30 minutes away from Charlotte, so it is a city area! I am in a tri-panionship! That means there are 3 sisters together instead of two! I have Sis Arnold from Logan, UT and Sis Davis from Draper/St George, UT. Her family just moved there so she calls both home! They are both super sweet and we have a good time!

So I don't put you to sleep I will just do some weekly highlights!

1) Sickness leads to being homesick. I caught a cold at the MTC right as I left so I am currently still fighting it. Ugh it is NOT FUN! Mainly because we don't get sick days here and I really just want my mom to come baby me. So I caught the homesick bug. Hopefully it leaves as fast as it came.

2) The members here and the people we work with are amazing! They are so sweet and southern hospitality is not a myth! There are so many different cultures here too. We are even working with a deaf woman! Who by the way said YES when I invited her to be baptized. No biggie. Also no I did not sign it, there was a translator thankfully! But I really love the people here. I have only had a few people say no when we come to their door and no here is " I already found Jesus" or " I have been saved".

3) Small amounts of food are not a thing here. My parents and close friends would be very proud of me because I eat everything I am given, even if I don't want it. We haven't been fed too weird of things, but sometimes I just have to put it in my mouth and swallow. I just wish the serving sizes were way smaller.

4) We do service 3 times a week! We work with Salvation Army. Sometimes it is sorting food, and sometimes it is feeding those who come. It always humbles me. I am SO BLESSED. I saw a baby once this week who was so tiny, it just broke my heart. Just be thankful always for what you have! You could have it worse!

5) Double birthday shoutout! Two of my favorite people had birthdays this past week! My mom and my sister! They are naturally celebrating in europe! If this was Instagram I would post an embarassing pic and a funny caption, but sadly this is not instagram and I am sure no one wants embarassing pics of them. I just love them so much! So happy birthday to you both! <3

I actually really don't know what else to say. I feel like I have a lot more, but nothing is coming to me. Oh my new address is 1007 Summerlake Dr SW 
Concord NC 28025-5766 so don't hesitate to send me anything (: or emails are just peachy! I love hearing from all of y'all! Hope you have a wonderful week!

Sending Love, 
Sister Jacobsmeyer

Thursday, April 14, 2016

I have been gone two whole weeks!! Miss me yet? ðŸ˜‰ 
So after I emailed last week we as a district went to the temple! I felt so free walking down the street. I would be lying if I said I wasn't tempted to walk to my friend Tahnee's house haha, but don't worry mom I followed the rules and didn't.

So time for the weekly update! 
1) Jessy. Oh my word guys I LOVE HER! She was our investigator all last week and on Wednesday we had our last meeting with her. ðŸ˜¢ I will miss her SO much! We are also meeting with a girl named Taylor. She is super shy and kinda  quiet, but she is finally starting to open up to us which is great!

(This is Jessy!)

2) The MTC is building a newer and bigger building for classes. This past weekend they actually gave everyone a chance to sign the beams that would be in the top of the building. So that was pretty cool seeing everyones mark on it.
3) We had exchanges! That means we swapped companions for a while. I was with Sis Pratt and she was the sweetest! It was a fun experience! We taught a boy named Max and he had the thickest southern accent and I am so excited t o be surrounded by that next week haha
4) Fast Sunday. So for the people who don't know I will explain what that means. It is pretty simple to follow. We fast every first Sunday of the month! It is often times a struggle, but a great reward follows. We also have a testimony meeting in church. There was only 16 of us so I obviously had to go up haha. I bore my testimony on my love and respect for Joseph Smith. I seriously love him. I will have you know that both the branch presidency members present quoted my testimony in theirs *humble brag* That made me feel good because honestly I wasn't even gonna go up. When we finally ate dinner I was immediately blessed because THERE WAS MINT CHIP ICE CREAM.
5) This is my last Pday at the MTC #thankful I mean I love being here, but I am SO PUMPED to leave for NC! I am just not pumped to wake up at 2:30am to catch my flight. ðŸ˜£ I am gonna miss my district SO MUCH! LIke honestly they are so great and funny and we are never not laughing. gahhh I just love them.

I wish I had better stories for you all, but I feel like those stories will be told in the months to come. Thank you again for all your support! I love hearing from you and getting emails from you! Have a wonderful week, I will talk to you next week from Charlotte!❤

Sending Love, 
Sister Jacobsmeyer 

Thursday, April 7, 2016

I feel like I need to write about my district! This pic was from this morning!
So we will go in order, left to right.

Sister Miller- She is my homie, my companion. We do everything together, mainly cause we have to! She is so funny and all we do is laugh till we cry. She is from Hooper UT and will be serving in Charlotte with me! I love her and we always have a blast together.
Sister Woolston- She is so great! She is from Sandy, UT and is going to DC. So of course she has to go see Anthony and Wendy for me! I love her. She is the oldest of us (20) and we often tease her about it. 
Sister Laughbon- She is from Murry, UT and is going to DC as well! She is probably the most focused of the group! When we get off topic she pulls us back in. She is sweet!
Elder Nakatsu- He is from Hawaii and is serving in Independence Missouri! He is so funny and chill. 
Elder Anderson- He is from Sacramento, CA! He went to BYUI in the fall just like me! He is so sweet and a great district leader! He is serving in Independence as well!
Elder Moedel- He is SO FUNNY! He looks super shy at first but the sass is real my friends. He is from the town in Idaho where Napoleon Dynamite was filmed! He also is going to Independence.
Elder Parker- He is the lone wolf. He is serving in Twin Falls, ID! He is from Anaheim but is not a fan of disney (IS THAT POSSIBLE?!) He is also funny especially when he is with Elder Moedel!

So that is my group! I adore them and already am sad I will have to part ways! 

Sending Love, 
Sister Jacobsmeyer 

Wow so much has happened in just the small amount of time I've been here! 
So I got dropped off after a yummy breakfast with my mom and sister. We did some last minute shopping at the mall and then drove to the MTC! And guess what? I DIDN'T EVEN CRY!! Shocking I know. I still haven't which is kinda weird to me bc I am a CRY BABY.

So I was rushed up to my class room (where i spend hours and hours) and we did some new missionary stuff. My district is so rad guys. Like seriously i feel like we have been bffs our whole lives. I just adore all of them. Speaking of the word "guys", that's like a no no here. It's hard. I call everyone dude or guys and the worst is calling them by their first name! For example when i saw Ashley(Hermana) Holmes I was so excited and i was like ahhh Ashley i mean sister Holmes! The struggle is real. 
So i will just give you some highlights of the week :
1) waking up is hard to do. Ok everyone knows I hate mornings. Like please stay away from me until i have been up for a few hours. So adjusting to waking up at 6:30 everyday is NOT MY JAM. But i am getting used to it! The first few days were just rough. I def go to bed on time! 
2)  My phone. I don't miss it. Like at all. I feel kinda happier without it. (Note: this does not mean i wont want it back in 18 months, i'm talking to you mom & dad.) Anyway it is actually so nice to not be checking it 24/7. Not caring how many notifications i get is the life. However i did get a little excited when Amanda showed me her Instagram feed but mainly bc she showed me TSwift winning Best Tour and JB winning Best Male Artist, you know the important things. Besides my dream about snap-chatting last night i think i am doing just peachy without my phone. 
3) Investigators. We taught on our second day here. Scary right?? It actually wasn't really. The investigator was just not that talkative so we didn't really progress. But the investigator we have now IS AWESOME! like i love her and i hardly know her. 
4) Conference!! It was great. I am a little sad i couldn't roll out of bed right as it started and stay in my PJs all day tho. The chairs were not ideal for sitting that long. My favorite talk was Kevin R Duncans on Forgiveness. Don't see others as their sins. Forgive them, an unforgiving heart harbors so much pain. There was a lot more so check it out online! 
5) I am a sister training leader whoot whoot!! Also on the subject of sisters I GET TO SEE MINE ANYTIME I WANT. She serves all my needs bc i am needy. I love it. Plus meeting her students made me feel like beyonce. They were so cute and Amanda apparently told them all i do bc they asked about the JB concert and if i got my clothes that i left in my car haha. But my sister rocks and it's so cute seeing how much her students love her.

Sending Love, 
Sister Jacobsmeyer